EM Surveys

Electromagnetic surveys provide a quick and revealing map of shallow soil condition by measuring the relative conductivity of depths between approximately 0 - 4m.  Non-invasive, rapid and reliable, EM surveys have been widely adopted throughout western Canada as an integral component of Environmenal Site Assessments (ESA).

Focused Geo provides advanced functionality of geophysical maps  with interactive tools which allow anomalies and features of interest to be analyzed, mapped and presented with great accuracy. 

In addition to mapping inorganic chloride plumes - a consequence of industrial mishaps - EM surveys are useful for locating missing underground storage tanks or pipelines, mapping near surface soil variations such as alluvial deposits (gravel) or even shallow mineral exploration.

In addition to providing the EM results in interactive online maps, it should be added that we have automated the processing and posting of the data, i.e. the collected data is published from the field to the cloud for virtually immediate contemplation. 

At FocusedGeo we use two industry standard instruments for measuring the ground conductivity:  Geonics EM31 and EM38 which record bulk conductivity to approximately 4m and 1.5m respectively.